Earn Money Using FREE Bot $200 Each Day
I show you how to earn $200 per day using a free bot, which is one of the easiest ways to make money online this year 2021. How to do it? We’re about to find out. This is, how to make money online using free bot! Also, only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed.
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Thus, of course make the most money. Enjoy it. Type a simple keyword into this box over here, click on Generate, and you'll be collecting your earnings over and over again. The best part is that this strategy works worldwide because anybody can access this bot.
It pays directly to bank, PayPal or Bitcoin, which are all worldwide payment methods. Now right before I explain you how you can do this. Let me know in the comments, what is your preferred payment method? In that way, I can make sure that every single video I’ll release is meant for you.
So drop your preferred payment method in the comments down below. And don't forget, I have a special bonus for you at the end of this video, so make sure to stick around and keep watching all the way until the end.
Now let's get back to the video. So this is the website that we will be using to make money online. And this website is called Zyro.com. Zyro is a bot that will do all the work for us. Now, Zyro has different functions from AI slogan generator, AI writer, AI Heatmap, AI Background remover, AI Image upscaler, AI Business name generator, AI Blog title generator, and so much more.
Now take a look at this, this is the best part about Zyro. They charge like $3, $4, $10, and $15 a month but you don't need to pay a single cent. It’s because this bot can be used for absolutely free.
And just to show you that this is a trusted website, if you go over to Trustpilot.com, and search for Zyro.com, you can see that it has a 4.6 star rating with an 84% excellent rating. So if you scroll down, you literally won't see anything less than a five star rating.
So these just show you that this is a trusted website and a real tool, and people are actually using it. Now that you knew the bot that we will be using which is Zyro, and also identified its functions, and verified that it’s a trusted website, you need to hover your mouse right up here at All products, and click on AI slogan generator.
And that will then take you in to this page. As you can see here, make heads turn with a memorable slogan, created by the AI-powered Generator, also known as a bot, with just four simple steps. First, you enter a keyword.
It will then generate slogans, and you just choose one from those generated slogans. And in that way you can stand out. Now all of these bots over here are tools for business. All businesses need slogans, names, logos and domains, and they all need titles and contents for their websites, emails, and ads.
And all of these bots are essentially required for an individual wanting to start up a business. The best part is they are all beginner friendly. Take a look at how easy to use this bot is. All you need to do is type a simple keyword, click on Generate Your Slogan, and in just a couple of seconds, it will generate hundreds of different slogans for you, which you can actually go and use to make money with.
So as you can see, these are pretty good slogans that actually stand out. Now I want you to take a look at this. Over here on this website, people are paying freelancers anywhere between 35 and $100 to create unique names and slogans for their businesses.
The reason why those people are paying that much is because they can’t think of so many slogans at once. But they also don't realize that there are bots online like Zyro.com that can do all of the work for them.
So smart freelancers are using bots like Zyro to make money online selling these slogans, and people are actually buying. Take a look at this, this freelancer will create a slogan for your business for $55, and if you look at the reviews, she has had 582 so far.
In order to leave a review, you need to place an order first. So that means this gig has had a total of 582 orders at least. So let me take out the calculator, 582 orders multiplied by $55. That's $32,010.
So this person has made $32,010 so far by just selling slogans that can be created using a bot. And it's honestly a no brainer. If they can do it, you can too. I just showed you the perfect bot to generate these slogans.
And this is not the only person, this one is charging $40 and got a total of 8,728 orders at least, that could be more. So 8,728 times 40, this person has made $349,120 at least, creating taglines for different businesses.
If you scroll down more, and take a look at this, this freelancer is charging $35 to create a perfect slogan or tagline. And he has gotten 2,386 reviews so far, that means he has had a minimum of 2,386 orders.
So again, 2,386 orders multiplied by $35. This person has made five figures just selling slogans that can be created using a bot. $83,510 by just using this bot, generating slogans, and selling them online.
$35 might not seem like a lot, but it can eventually add up to a large amount of money like this one I just showed you. If you can get 2,000 people to place an order for $35 each, that’s $70,000 that you’ll make.
If you can get 300,000 people to place an order for $1 each, that’s already $300,000 that you can probably earn. Making money online is about working smart with tools like this bot and getting volume to whatever product or service that you select.
And here's the best part, I'm going to show you a second tool that you can use to double your earnings from this. But real quick, if you guys are enjoying this video in which I’ve put a lot of time and energy to actually do, I would really appreciate it if you guys tap the like button and make sure you subscribe with notification on.
And if we get 2000 likes on this video, I’ll drop a brand new video next week to show you guys exactly how to make even more money online doing basic stuff like this in the comfort of your home. Now let's get back to the video.
Right here is another tool or bot called SloganSlingers.com, which automatically generates more slogans for you. To get started with SloganSlingers, select I need a slogan for my company, service, product, event, or something else.
Then just fill out the following information, your email address, password, name of the company, a brief description of the company, who is the target audience, list of pertinent details, so this might include target audience’s age, income and education level, lifestyle, mindset, behaviors, and so on.
After that just answer this question, what is the single biggest point you want to get across in your slogan? Now, when you sell your service on this website right here, which is called PeoplePerHour.
com, you can actually ask your clients to answer those questions for you to get the best slogan for them. Then simply copy and paste their answers right here and just click on Continue. It will then generate the perfect slogan made specifically for their business.
Another great thing about this bot is that if you click on Write Slogans right up here, it will take you to this page where you can actually get paid for writing slogans as well. So you can utilize Zyro to write slogans for you, and use them to apply for contests on SloganSlingers.
com. And as you can see over here, show off your skill against other great writers from the US, UK, Australia, and around the world. So not only you can get noticed and get your work out there worldwide, entries are kept confidential until the contest ends so nobody can mimic your work.
This website protects all your work, and no one can copy that. The best part is you can have the chance to win up to $999 for your creativity. So this is just the second platform that you can use besides from the bot Zyro to make money with, through contests.
So not only are you earning a fixed income through your gigs on PeoplePerHour.com as a freelancer, you can also win up to $999 as a contestant writing slogans for SloganSlingers.com. And I'm not even finished yet.
As a third alternative to bring in a third income stream from the slogan generator bots, you can come over to Squadhelp.com, which will have tons of contests that can pay you way better than SloganSlingers.
com. To get started with Squadhelp.com, scroll all the way down to the bottom right here, and click on Become a Creative under the Resources section. Then just scroll down over here to see how it works.
So first, submit your ideas in naming, slogan or logo contests, then contest holders rate your ideas and provide feedback, after that earn cash awards if your idea is selected by the company, and lastly, earned badges and points and bragging rights when your ideas are liked.
So over here, you just need to click on Join Now. So you can go and join different contests, and get paid by companies selecting and using your slogans. Hence, slogans generated by the bot called Zyro can be used to join contests at Squadhelp.
com and SloganSlingers.com to have twice the chances of you making money from those contests. And that’s exactly how you earn money online using free bot. And now if you want to earn even more money, check the first link in the video description below, to discover 10 NFT games that you can play to earn $100 per day, which are some of the best ways to make money online this year 2021, which anyone, even without previous experience can do.
Yes, it’s possible and I’ll show you exactly how to do it in that video right there, check it out. Thank you so much for watching and be sure to drop a Like and Subscribe with Notification On so you don't miss out on any of the new contents.
As always, I will see you in some of the next videos.